
So You Want to Buy a Business? Part 2: Timeline

Planning ahead is essential in the process of buying a business – in the first part of this series, we explored identifying your purpose for owning a business, so today, we’re taking a look at what timeline you can expect from start to finish. Understanding the milestones you’ll meet across the process will give you […]

Change Management Part 2: The Process

Change in business is constant, and skilled business owners recognise that whether you’re looking to upgrade your tech, restructure the hierarchy of responsibility within your team or completely overhaul your processes and procedures, change needs to be managed with a refined and targeted process. Today, we’re taking a look at planning ahead for your change […]

Hybrid Work: Can It Work For Your Business?

hybrid work

Standard ways of working have undergone a serious transformation since the onset of Covid-19, and it’s opened up a new dialogue between both employers and employees about the opportunities (and challenges) that come with embracing hybrid work.  Hybrid work continues to gain traction and has now become something of the “new normal”, with employees (especially […]

Change Management Part 1: The Purpose

change management finn business

A successful business is often in a constant state of growth and evolution – whether it’s reviewing your business plan, marketing strategy or staffing goals. On other occasions, you may find that your business requires a more structured approach to transformation, and this is where you’ll want to implement the process of change management. Change […]

Mastering Your Business Website Part 4: User Experience

In today’s virtual world, it’s not enough as a business owner to simply have a live website, the user experience (often shortened to UX) is key to having customers effectively use your site (especially for e-Commerce businesses who are aiming to convert every visit to a sale). A positive UX experience can lead to improved […]

Business Owner Upskilling Part 4: Creating a Team Culture

As a business owner, you’ll want to feel confident that your team and your business can operate without your consistent oversight (especially when you’ve got an established business where your responsibilities are far-reaching and may require more time off-site). The key to a functional, friendly and smooth-running business often comes down to the people powering […]

The Benefits of Buying a Business

Benefits of Buying a Business

Buying a business is an exciting and potentially rewarding venture. It can also be incredibly daunting, as there are a lot of financial and legal considerations to take into account. But the benefits of buying a business far outweigh the risks and understanding the process will help you make an informed decision. Let’s break down […]

The War on Talent: 3 Steps to Attract the Employees You Need

investing in your employees

As a business owner, it’s essential to have the right people power behind the brand that will execute your vision. We’re at a unique time here in Australia with the war on talent at its most competitive – businesses and organisations are seeking skilled employees with significant gaps to fill, but they don’t always attract […]

Growing Your Team: Interviewing 101

It’s a great feeling to watch your business grow, and an exciting “landmark” moment is when you’re able to budget for team members to support your business to reach new heights. Interviewing a new team member sets the tone for how you engage with your start, and these core founding team members could be with […]

LinkedIn for Business Owners Part 3: Networking Authentically

They say you’re only as strong as your network, and thankfully, you’re no longer limited to your immediate circle. As a business owner, networking authentically on LinkedIn is a valuable method of connecting with potential new clients, industry partners, experts and advisors – the operative term here is authentic. As the time we spend online […]